With the arrival of summer and good weather, many people choose to take to their bicycles to enjoy their leisure time, as a means of transport or as a way to do some sport at this time of the year. If you are not used to doing a sport like cycling, injury and secondary problems can occur.
In addition, during the summer, even those who are used to riding a bike use it much more and it is also normal for there to be more cycling competitions. If their position on the bike is not correct or the bike is set up badly, a cyclist can pick up injuries anywhere on the body.
The most common injuries for cyclists may include:
- Knee injuriesare also very common for cyclists. On the one hand they suffer from overloading from pushing on the pedal and, on the other, from repetitive movement.
- Neck pain and lower back pain, due to positions maintained for long periods of time, especially in road cycling, as the position adopted on the bicycle causes cervical hyperextension, with the consequent joint compression. A position on the bike that is too horizontal may cause cervical dysfunction, while a position that is too vertical may cause lumbar dysfunction.
- If the saddle is too high, it can cause pain on the outside of the knee.If the saddle is too low, it can cause pain on the outer meniscus of the knee.
- Incorrect distance from the handlebars can result in injuries to the elbows and shoulders.
The continuous and regular practice of cycling, whether competitive or not, combined with the length of time that the body spends on the bike, forces the back to make great efforts to support the body in position, which ends up increasing stress in certain areas of the back. Although they do not tend to be very serious injuries, they should be taken into account as they may compromise the normal practice of this sport and impair sporting performance. For this reason, it is essential for cyclists to adjust their bicycles to their biomechanics so that pedalling does not cause them any injury or discomfort.
Cervicalgia or neck pain
The most frequent dysfunctions that occur in cycling related to the back are neck pain and lower back pain. On this occasion, we are going to focus on cervicalgia or neck pain that cyclists often suffer. The usual position of the cyclist, looking straight ahead, generates a prolonged contraction of the neck and shoulder muscles, causing a hyperextension of the neck, which is the main cause of cervicalgia or neck pain.
Neck pain is caused by prolonged bad mechanical stress positions that can develop muscle contractures, muscle strains and myofascial trigger points.
When the cyclist is on the bicycle, the position of the vertebrae of the spine, joints and ligaments are significantly altered compared to our normal standing position. While the position of the dorsal column does not change much, the cervical column is in a position of forced extension while leaning over the handlebars as the neck has to extend backwards so that the eyes can look forward. This hyperextension of the muscles in the back of the cervical column causes them to work harder. For example, the posture a cyclist adopts in a time trial causes greater flexing of the hip joint by making the column more horizontal, as well as a greater extension of the neck.
Cervical pain can occur due to being in a position which is too cramped up or too stretched.
Cervical discomfort may also be due to the position on the bike, such as having the saddle too far back and the knees forward, or very low handlebars.
How to use INYBI
Scientific literature and clinical practice has shown that cyclists push their tongues against the lower jaw to achieve greater pedalling force. This can lead to the appearance of prognathism, the forward position of the head and maintaining the contraction of the extensor musculature, as well as hyperextension of the cervical musculature. In combination with other techniques, INYBI can help in the treatment of these types of pathologies
We can use classic physiotherapeutic treatment to treat these pathologies or follow a treatment using INYBI by putting its fingers between the occipital and the axis, as shown in a video by our colleague Teresa García Jiménez from the Clínica de Fisioterapia Integra and lecturer at the Madrid School of Osteopathy in Zaragoza.
We will work on occipital hyperextension and, in turn, treat the base of the tongue to prevent the muscular hypertonia which is generating the mandibular prognathism. To do so, using a glove, take an intraoral sample point in the floor of the mouth where the mylohyoid muscle at the base of the tongue is located. Using the other hand on the outside of the face, look for the Goniac angle to find the floor of the mouth with the other hand. Then, work on the central middle line that joins the right side of the mylohyoid to the left side.
To end, we can increase the vibration of the INYBI to finish off relaxing the suboccipital musculature. FEEL RELIEF and GET an INYBI!