Tag: fisioterapeutas

The INYBI and INYBI WAVE fingers can be cleaned with water or using a neutral soap.

The INYBI and INYBI WAVE fingers can be cleaned with water or using a neutral soap.

Are you a registered physiotherapist? This Christmas give pain relief and well-being with INYBI! Take advantage of discounts for volume purchases! Send us an e-mail with your professional registration number to ➡️ info@inybi.net to get your discount coupon. * Offer valid until January 6, 2018.   On both the INYBI and INYBI WAVE, the specific inclination and layout of the fingers […]

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How to use INYBI for cycling injuries

How to use INYBI for cycling injuries

With the arrival of summer and good weather, many people choose to take to their bicycles to enjoy their leisure time, as a means of transport or as a way to do some sport at this time of the year. If you are not used to doing a sport like […]

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An increasing number of healthcare professionals are using INYBI

An increasing number of healthcare professionals are using INYBI

Since we first got the idea to create a device with that functions that INYBI has, we always thought that this would be a very useful device for healthcare professionals and their patients. Thanks, in large part, to our experience in the fields of physiotherapy, osteopathy, functional recovery… not only […]

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How INYBI helps in the treatment of a hiatal hernia

How INYBI helps in the treatment of a hiatal hernia

A hiatal hernia is a problem that is affecting more and more people. Nuestros poor eating habits, stress, the pace of life, obesity, smoking, chronic coughing and constipation may be some of the causes of hiatal hernias. It is estimated that between 20% and 30% of the population could have a […]

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Bruxism/teeth grinding, a possible cause of neck pain and headaches

Bruxism/teeth grinding, a possible cause of neck pain and headaches

If you get up in the morning with neck, head or jaw pain, are clenching or grinding your teeth involuntarily and are going through a stressful time, you may have bruxism and don’t know it. 30% of headaches have their origin in a combination of stress and an imbalance in the […]

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Dolor de cuello, una de las consecuencias de trabajar sentado

Dolor de cuello, una de las consecuencias de trabajar sentado

Muchos de los trabajos que desempeñamos hoy en día nos obligan a pasar un mínimo de 8 horas laborables sentados frente a una pantalla de ordenador, en ocasiones, en una incómoda silla, lo que provoca que el cuello adopte posturas inverosímiles. Pasar muchas horas sentados en la misma postura en […]

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¿Sabías que la cefalea tensional es el dolor de cabeza más común?

¿Sabías que la cefalea tensional es el dolor de cabeza más común?

Las cefaleas son uno de los trastornos más comunes del sistema nervioso y uno de los problemas médicos más comunes. Se calcula que casi la mitad de los adultos han sufrido, por lo menos, una cefalea en el último año. Es un síntoma muy frecuente y puede tener causas extremadamente […]

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