Tag: malas posturas

How to use INYBI for cycling injuries

How to use INYBI for cycling injuries

With the arrival of summer and good weather, many people choose to take to their bicycles to enjoy their leisure time, as a means of transport or as a way to do some sport at this time of the year. If you are not used to doing a sport like […]

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Bruxism/teeth grinding, a possible cause of neck pain and headaches

Bruxism/teeth grinding, a possible cause of neck pain and headaches

If you get up in the morning with neck, head or jaw pain, are clenching or grinding your teeth involuntarily and are going through a stressful time, you may have bruxism and don’t know it. 30% of headaches have their origin in a combination of stress and an imbalance in the […]

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Dolor de cuello, una de las consecuencias de trabajar sentado

Dolor de cuello, una de las consecuencias de trabajar sentado

Muchos de los trabajos que desempeñamos hoy en día nos obligan a pasar un mínimo de 8 horas laborables sentados frente a una pantalla de ordenador, en ocasiones, en una incómoda silla, lo que provoca que el cuello adopte posturas inverosímiles. Pasar muchas horas sentados en la misma postura en […]

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